Art Prints by Landan Tolentino

an illustrated art print of a bison on skateboards towing a covered wagon
an illustrated art print of a cowboy and his horse being abducted by an alien space ship
an illustrated art print of a traffic jam with the oklahoma city skyline in the background
an illustrated art print of a bison on skateboards towing a covered wagon
an illustrated art print of a cowboy and his horse being abducted by an alien space ship
an illustrated art print of a traffic jam with the oklahoma city skyline in the background

Art Prints by Landan Tolentino


Each print comes to life with the app, Artivive. Once you receive your new print, just scan the piece with the app and it will animate straight from your phone!

size: 8” x 10” (including a small >.25” white boarder)

OK artist/maker: Landon “Tanglman” Tolentino

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